Strategic Plan
Working as a community, we strengthen families and keep them connected for the safety and wellbeing of children and youth.
Our Declarations
Every day across our organization we stand up for:
Truth and Reconciliation
Equity, diversity and inclusivity
French-language services
Our Commitments:
Accomplish more by working and learning together.
Achieve positive outcomes through excellent service and responsible governance.
Understand identity and reduce the impacts of oppression.
Overcome adversity and continually build strength.
Be open and honest in all we do.

Our Strategic Priorities
1- Embed Truth and Reconciliation, anti-oppression and anti-racism practices in our organization.
- Our organizational culture, Board of Directors, employees and resource families are inclusive and reflect and value diversity.
- Through our values and practices, we influence attitudes and ultimately the referrals we receive so they are based on child safety, not judgment or bias — countering the over-representation of Indigenous, racialized and other marginalized groups.
- We have prioritized the advancement of the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies’ commitments for Truth and Reconciliation and equity in child welfare.
- Our services and connections respect the culture, traditions, race and social identity of each child, youth and family we serve.
- Our connections with First Nations, Inuit and Métis representatives, families, communities and cultures support the distinct identities and cultures of Indigenous children and families we’re involved with.
- We provide French-language services at all levels of our organization.
2- Strengthen and preserve families.
- Families are engaged effectively, receive tailored support and experience minimal disruption.
- Children and youth are rarely removed from their homes and, when that is required, are away for limited periods of time and maintain family connections.
- Families are confident seeking support to keep children and youth safe at home.
- Our partners understand their roles and assume shared responsibility for strengthening and preserving families based on the principles of the child welfare redesign.
- Our partners work together to ensure timely access to services; address critical gaps in services; and intervene early to keep children and youth with their families.
3- Empower children and youth in care to reach their full potential.
- Children and youth in care celebrate their identities and connect to their cultures.
- More resource families are available to provide quality care and support for children and youth.
- Youth leaving care have relationships with their families and broader social networks.
- Youth graduate high school and complete the highest level of education needed to pursue their career goals.
- Youth leave care feeling empowered and confident about their futures.
4- Embrace change and innovate while advancing our mission.
- Our service delivery model helps maintain continuity of relationships between our agency and children, youth and families as long as needed.
- As a learning organization, we offer our employees training and opportunities to enhance their skills and capacity.
- We provide support so our employees can maintain healthy work-life balances while also being responsive to the needs of children, youth and families.
- Our planning and decision-making are guided by the experiences of children, youth and families, and by qualitative and quantitative data.
- Our Board of Directors and senior leaders work to ensure we have the resources and capacity to fulfill our mission.